Saturday, September 10, 2016

Saturday Studebaker

1937 Studebaker Coupe Express.

Packard built the Rolls Royce Merlin engines used in the Mustang and Studebaker merged with Packard in the 1950s so they are kind of step-brothers.

A graphic representation of the Studebaker merger with Packard.  Looks like the Packard was an Amberlamps.


  1. Being over six feet tall, the Studebaker Larks had the most legroom of any other car I have driven. I owned two of them, and my pop owned several during the course of his life.

  2. Never had a Lark. Mine were Champions. Even the Starlight Coupe was roomy. Not like modern cars that you wear like a shoe.

  3. Is that Jeff Rice's truck?

  4. I really don't know. I found the picture on Facebook or Pinterest. It didn't have any attribution or background information. Sorry.
