Sunday, May 22, 2016

Been There


  1. Been there too.
    I hate having to wear glasses but at 56 years of age I guess it's just part of the deal now. The last time I went shooting I couldn't hit the side of a barn, everything puled hard to the right and I think it's because of them.
    I recently moved and there are two ranges within 5 miles of me now so it's time to go find out.

  2. Man I wish I had a range that close to me! We moved from a farm house where I did my shooting from the back porch to a house in a subdivision of half-acre lots. I'm signed up for an Appleseed class next month so I'm going to find out if I can overcome all this eyesight stuff pretty soon. Best of luck to you!

  3. I love the Krag he is shooting.
