Monday, July 6, 2015

Shopping in Texas?


  1. Nah, that is how the antis like to type cast us. We are a LOT better skill at determining actual gun shots from phony ones and far better trigger and muzzle discipline (not to mention better use of cover and concealment) than those rubes do.
    Perhaps this is the same group that did the faux 'gun shop' in (supposedly) NYC?

    Yes, I know this was intended to be humorous...............

  2. I appreciate your taking the time to comment. I don't know who did the video. I got it from an arch-conservative friend who thought it was funny. I laughed at it so I thought that I must have thought it was funny too. I do see your point. I'm just not going to let a bunch of irrational people dictate to me what I can and can't think is funny. If the anti's don't find something real to bitch about they'll just make crap up anyway.
