Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jehovah's Witnesses

We've been tellin' 'em to go away for 20 years but they keep comin' back.    I reckon we're ready for 'em this weekend.

and for any that get past the tank


  1. Well,if it works, let us know. I've been spectacularly unsuccessful to this point in dissuading them.

  2. Last line of defense is a sign on the door: "Welcome to the Orgy, please leave your clothing on the porch". If that doesn't stop them, nothig will.

  3. If I have the time my favorite tactic has been to draw them into a discussion of doctrine. I let them ramble on just a bit first to allow them to get comfortable, then I begin dissecting their points by quoting from a real Bible. When they try to use the Watchtower version I reject it out of hand by attacking their founder Charles Russell as a fraud who re-wrote the Bible. This part is best done by quoting Revelation 22:18-19 where God warns against adding to or taking away from scripture. I have never yet had a JW who was prepared to continue the discussion beyond that point.

  4. Yes. I have friends who do that and say that they will eventually quit coming to your house. About 30 years ago I spent some time discussing "Russelism" with a preacher. He told me about one such encounter where the "Witness" started talking about Daniel's prophecy being about the end of the world or whatever it is that they say it was about. The preacher asked him if he thought Daniel was a prophet. He emphatically agreed that he was. The preacher asked whether the Witness believed that a prophet spoke God's words. The Witness agreed that that is what a prophet does. Then the preacher asked him whether God could lie. The Witness said that was impossible. Then the preacher took him to the Book of Daniel and showed him what Daniel said; the whole prophecy where Daniel tells the King that the the dream was about him (the King). The preacher than pointed out that what the Witness had been taught was not what Daniel had said. Either Daniel was not a prophet or God had lied to the King or what the Witnesses teach is false. That led to more meetings and the Witness ultimately converted.
