Monday, October 7, 2013

That's Probably His Point


  1. Well he certainly will IF he is given the opportunity to do so. The only viable solution for now is to defund it. And of course he just can't suffer that to happen as it is his 'signature' legislation, he will use any means fair or foul (just like he did to 'pass' it) to keep it as the law of the land, and of course with him firmly in control of it.

  2. I worked overseas very briefly (for an American company) and had to use "national health care" after a relatively minor injury became infected. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone and we can only look forward to the same.

  3. I don't think its ever as rosy as the left wants to think it is. My brother was in Sweden on a student visa back in the mid-1980s. He needed a molar extracted. Their "health care" paid for the extraction but not for any anesthesia. He was a broke student so he had to dig his fingers into the chair and let them pull it anyway. Now we get to enjoy the same quality health care that he got!
