Sunday, September 29, 2013

Free Hapgood Shotgun Project

The Free Shotgun Project is beginning to take shape despite the actual cost spiraling out of control.   So far I am out of pocket six bucks for surgical tubing, about five for epoxy and two or three for some brass #6 wood screws.  That's getting close to fifteen bucks.  I bet it didn't cost that much when Joab Hapgood built it back around 1850 or so.

Since the stock was broken into three pieces that had to mesh back together all at the same time and there was really no way to clamp it in all the directions it needed to be held in while the epoxy set, I used the surgical tubing to bind it all together.   Bullet approved of the process after a thorough inspection.

The wood screws went in under the tang and trigger guard metal where they won't show when its all assembled.  

Well, the stock was broken at the wrist and I did put screws in it.  The similarity pretty much begins and ends right there.  From the outside it looks like this:

There's a third screw that comes up from the underside.  With the locks on the sides and the trigger mechanism in between, there's really not much wood to work with where it broke. 

With the wood back in one piece, I'll start cleaning it up and making sure the wood and barrels fit together right so it doesn't break all over again if I ever fire it.   The plan right now is that I will fire it.  That is going to be subject to making the replacement spring for the right side lock.  I do not look for ward to the tedium and precision that will involve but I have my spring stock, my files, stones, Dremel and an assortment of vises and clamps.  The book on making springs should get here in a few days.

Its a promising start. 

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