Saturday, August 24, 2013

Blogroll Addition and an Interesting Article

While putting together a new Blue Monday post, I was reading some new blogs.  One that I stumbled upon is called Animal Magnetism.  I added it to the blog roll.

Something that has bothered me for a long time is how people can see one thing happening and convince themselves that its completely opposite of what's actually going on.   While reading on  Animal Magnetism, I followed a link to an article that is really right on point.

Here's an  excerpt:

Human beliefs are shaped by perception, but the new research suggests delusions — unfounded but tightly held beliefs — can turn the tables and actually shape perception. People who are prone to forming delusions may not correctly distinguish among different sensory inputs, and may rely on these delusions to help make sense of the world, the study finds. Typical delusions include paranoid ideas or inflated ideas about oneself.
"Beliefs form in order to minimize our surprise about the world," said neuroscientist Phil Corlett of Yale University in New Haven, Conn., who was not involved in the study. "Our expectations override what we actually see," Corlett added. [The 10 Biggest Mysteries of the Mind]

 You can read it all at Live Science.

"Our expectations override what we see."  That really does explain a lot.

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