Saturday, March 16, 2013

Nothing To See Here

Florida Residents Report Mysterious Black Military Aircraft ocala helicopter

March 14, 2013
Florida Residents Report Mysterious Black Military Aircraft ocala helicopter

More people are seeing what was not long ago a snickering pejorative for the establishment media.

It used to be a favorite pastime of the establishment media and its snobbish intelligentsia to poke fun at the "black helicopter crowd," who they dismissively wrote off as loons and conspiracy nuts. More recently, the Department of Southern Poverty Security has insisted most of them are white racists bent on destroying the country.

Now that the Pentagon and the feds have stepped up their effort to militarize state and local law enforcement and conduct in-your-face military operations at civilian airports in the dead of night and stage mock strafing of civilian traffic in populated urban centers, more and more people are seeing what was not long ago a snickering pejorative for scriptwriters with degrees from the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. reported on Tuesday a number of people in and around Gainesville, Florida, seeing not only black military aircraft, but "mysterious military-style aircraft."

When Eva Angelini heard the roar of aircraft engines on Saturday night, she ran outside to see the sort of black aircraft the corporate media insists only make an appearance in the feverish imagination of paranoid conspiracy theorists. "We ran out and looked up in the sky and right over our heads, very low, the sky was filled with black aircraft which were flying without lights," Angelini told

Other residents in the Ocala area reported seeing low-flying military aircraft over the last few days. Linda Aguiar, Gainesville airport spokeswoman, said the aircraft are part of an operation being conducted by the Department of Defense. No word, however, from the guys who train – until recently on military bases and away from civilians – to kill people and break stuff in the service of international bankers, as Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, said way back in 1933.

Part of the operation seems to be a deliberate attempt by the Pentagon to keep civilians in the dark. "Reports of black military-style aircraft buzzing the Ocala area were rampant over the weekend and into Monday, but no one seems to know what they are doing in the area," reports.

When asked, the military said they don't conduct exercises at three in the morning. "We have some P-8 Poseidons training in the area, but they wouldn't be up at 3 in the morning. Other than that, we have nothing going on at Pinecastle (the bombing range in the Ocala National Forest) and again, they wouldn't conduct operations at those hours," said Kaylee LaRocque, a spokeswoman for the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville. also reported no operations out of the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa.

The military, however, admitted the Canadian military is training in the area. "The only thing we have are some Canadian F-18s training in the Tampa area," said Airman Michael Ellis, of the MacDill public affairs office. "There are no helicopters assigned to the base, so they are not ours and we would not fly at those hours. Those fall in the quiet hours which start at 6 p.m., I believe."

Local government is clueless, of course. It isn't unusual for the military not to inform local government about their operations, especially those violating "quiet hours" supposedly enforced in consideration of tax payers who foot the bill for expensive black helicopters said not to exist by the establishment media. If the Department of Endless War and Misery wanst to violate the spirit of Posse Comitatus, though, and use local law enforcement in their operation – for instance, establishing military style checkpoints – the Pentagon and law enforcement will usually roll out a statement for public consumption or, at least, provide some sort of facile explanation after civilians complain.

"We have been receiving a number of calls over the weekend and numerous calls on Monday from citizens reporting military aircraft. We have no official information on what they are and what they are doing," Sgt. Angy Scroble of the Ocala Police Department told

Residents wanting to know what's going on have posted messages on the Marion County Sheriff's Office Facebook page. The cops are, naturally, in the dark on secretive military operations using "mysterious" black aircraft.

"We've checked around with emergency management and we have no idea who it is," Capt. James Pogue said.


It turns out Airman Michael Ellis of the MacDill AFB public affairs office wasn't in the loop.

The mysterious "aircraft, which have been buzzing the area since Saturday, are coming from the University Air Center at the Gainesville Regional Airport as part of a larger training exercise in South Florida conducted by the U.S. Special Operations Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, said Maj. Mike Burns, a public affairs spokesman for the command," reported after filing the story linked above.

The United States Special Operations Command, according to a Wikipedia write-up, conducts several covert and clandestine missions, such as unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, psychological warfare, civil affairs, direct action, counter-terrorism and War on Drugs operations.

"There are no exercises in the Ocala area, but Ocala is directly in the transit route," Burns told the website. He would not say why aircraft were taking off from Gainesville for exercises in the Miami area.

As noted above, the military used Blackhawks to stage simulated warfare in a densely populated downtown Miami earlier this year. They fired blank rounds of machine gun fire, staged strafing runs while troops rappelled from choppers and set-up road blockades.

"All over the skies of Miami at night, just a few days ago," Karen De Coster wrote in January. She said the "event was for the purposes of `meeting requirements,' preparing for overseas military drills, and making sure the equipment is in check." cites a military press release issued by Miami Dade County. It "advises that the exercise includes the use of military helicopters and simulated gunfire. The training is meant to prepare participants for combat missions in urban areas and to prepare forces for upcoming overseas missions, according to the release."

One resident told he was in fear for his life. "I turned and ran" after special op helicopters flew over his house at tree top level. "That's not right what they are doing," he said.

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