Saturday, January 12, 2013


Or Polaris.    Spent some quality time with my old 4 wheeler this afternoon.  Had it running really well a few years ago and then I got a dog with separation anxiety.  I go to work and he separates the stuffing from the furniture, the pages from my books and the wires and fuel lines from my 4 wheeler.  

Back & neck trouble has kept me from fixing it for years but I bought a lift table and some large jack stands so I don't have to stoop down to work on it.  I got my every-few-months shot in the neck this week and decided that I'd do some exploratory work on it while the steroids are working.

I figured out what wires used to go where.  Ordered a new fuel cut off valve and some air filter-related parts.  Bought it a new battery, fuel lines and fuel filter.  I'll have to get a trickle charger before I put the electrolyte in the battery but I may be able to turn the engine over by this time tomorrow.   If she'll fire on starting fluid, I'll know she still wants to run.  When the new fuel valve gets here, I'll put the fuel tank and lines on it and have the hard part done. 

While the battery is charging I'll be putting a new steering shaft on Ruth, the Jeep.  It will be a restful Sabbath. 

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