Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The six contradictions of socialism in the USA

From The Peoples Cube

The six contradictions of socialism in the United States of America

  • America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.
  • Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.
  • They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.
  • Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.
  • The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
  • They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.


  1. Amazing. couldn't put it any clearer. and yet... None of them will get it. shared and linked.

  2. The Peoples Cube is really a good site. Its run by a fellow who came from the USSR and has seen what's at the end of the rainbow that our country has decided to chase. His stuff is so on the money that its scary sometimes.
