Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rain Dance

I'm not the big NASCAR fan of the house.  Haven't really cared much about it since they went to the small blocks back in the mid 70's.  Then Richard Petty retired and they stopped driving stock cars.  Ugh.

So there wasn't much chance that I'd be the one watching when Jeff Gordon went underneath the 4 cars that wrecked a few minutes ago and took first place.   Yep.  The Lovely Bride and hard core Jeff Gordon fan was so tied up in yelling at Jimmy Johnson for wrecking that she didn't see Jeff drive under the wreck, take the lead and win the race.  They called it for rain without ever coming out of the caution.

He deserved a little good luck for once this season.

Now I have to meet with Mr. Dillon and do some of that loading stuff that this blog is supposed to be about.

No.  Not that Mr. Dillon.

This Mr. Dillon:


  1. I hope to acquire my own Mr Dillon one of these days. Until then, Mr. Lee is a pretty diligent worker.

  2. I got mine used for $150. I couldn't afford one at full retail. I have a shooting buddy who has used both and he prefers his Lee.
