Saturday, July 14, 2012

Situation Normal

All fouled up.

Started the tractor this morning to mow the back yard and it ran great for about 5 seconds.  The electric fuel pump was dead.

$51 later I was putting on a new low pressure electric fuel pump. Worked great until the geyser of gas shot up out of the fuel bowl vent.  Seems its not really a low pressure pump after all.  So much for my first ever trip to O'Reilly Auto Parts.  Still, after sitting a few hours for the flood to subside it started up in a cloud of black smoke and cleared itself out.  It was running but not very well.  Turning the fuel pump on and off didn't make any difference.  The vacume powered pump in the carburetor was supplying all it needed to run.   Finally it just quit.  Just like shutting off the ignition switch.  It has gas, electric power to the coil and clean spark plugs.  Waiting on the shadows to reach the spot where it died so I can check to see if there's spark to the plugs.  Too hard to see the spark in direct sunlight.

Spent pretty much the whole day fooling with it.  Still ain't mowed the yard.

Need to make a stand for my rimfire ammo measuring dial indicator but I'm just too danged disgusted with a whole day wasted and nothing gained.

I suppose tomorrow is another day.

Evening Update:  Intake valve problem.  She ain't gonna run for a few days.

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