Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Range Report

I realize that when Kim du Toit and most of the other real gun-bloggers call something a range report they are about to tell you about what they did at the range, who they took along, new shooters and all that. Right now that would be hard for me to do because I am chronically De-Ranged. I don't quite have a range yet. This range report is about progress toward getting a new, private range set up.

I had my friend, realtor, benefactor and soon to be Rangelord trying to find a sliver of worthless, unbuildable land that I could buy cheaply and use for a range site. We did find one parcel of a few acres that was completely underwater, way overpriced (South Florida investor paid about 20 times what it is worth and has listed it for sale trying to make a profit) and surrounded by people who keep horses and already call the Sherriff every time anybody fires a gun. That was the best one.

In desperation, I suggested putting a range on the future Rangelord's own land, at my expense, and he liked the idea. His "boss" didn't have a problem with it and neither did their kids. Go figgure. The plan was hatched and we worked on the big questions such as liability, hold harmless agreement & all the things you need to even walk down the street without getting sued these days.

This past weekend, the folks behind the Rangelord started clearing some 80 acres right in back of him and let it be known that the guys running their equipment would be glad to do some work for him pretty cheaply while they were there.

Conditions would never get better. The theoretical issues were worked out and the equipment to do a lot more than we needed was sitting right in back of his house. We met for lunch yesterday and decided exactly where we were going to put the range, the direction it would point & so forth. He walked the site last night and saw that it was good.

The equipment will be there for another few days and we should have our little 100 yard rifle range bulldozed and disked over with a nice berm at one end before they leave. A little pressure treated lumber, some concrete and a few pieces of galvanized roofing will wrap it up.

I can hear things stirring in the gun safe and my chronograph is already humming!

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